For You series
by Leigh
an FF Contemporary Romance
from ARe Books
Book Description:
Sugar's sweet, but sex tastes better…
Kit Cheever is more than eager to
welcome her new co-worker, Sidney Campbell, to Tish’s Riches, the best
chocolate shop in Virginia. While the long days on the job hardly exhaust them
for long nights of play, Sidney hopes for more in their relationship than
candy-coated orgasms. Is dinner out too much to ask?
Kit would oblige, but she likes
her privacy. The people of Dareville don’t need to know she and Sidney are
anything more than co-workers. Why be “out” when it’s so much hotter and safer
Kit won’t even hold her hand in
public, which upsets Sidney. She’s not asking Kit to march in a parade, just to
acknowledge her feelings to the people she loves. What will it take to get Kit
out of the closet and into Sidney’s heart?
Available at ARe
“Nice getup,” Kit said, and twirled her finger
downward to guide Sidney to move away. “I have to see the shoes.”Sidney laughed and offered the full model strut. She whirled around and sashayed along the bar a few steps, wiggling her slim hips, then returned with an exaggerated en pointe of one high-top sneaker, which was actually designed to look like a red Uno playing card.
“How come they
don’t match?” Couldn’t be too difficult to find checkerboard-patterned shoes.
“The shoes that go with this outfit are worn out. I haven’t had time to make another pair.”
“Really? You don’t buy these?” Kit asked. Baking, sewing…this girl was a one-woman craft bazaar.
Sidney smiled.
“What can I say? I’m good with a glue gun and a pastry bag, so long as I don’t
get them mixed up.”
“Cool. Uh, what brings you here?” Did Sidney know this was a lesbian bar? The décor didn’t outright advertise it—no rainbow bunting or pink triangle beer coasters. Yeah, framed posters of semi-nude women hung on the walls, but Kit saw those at other places.
“I heard this
was the best place to meet women in town. Rather, close to town. We’re kind of
in between Dareville and the beach, huh?”
“Yeah. We were
thinking of calling it West Vagina.”Sidney snorted up a sip of her drink. “You have to warn me when you make a joke like that.” She waved over the bartender for some napkins.
She attracted
many an appreciative stare from other patrons, too, leaving Kit to think of the
right words to get Sidney to a more secluded place to chat.
Luckily, though,
Sidney shared her idea. “This music is so damn loud, how do you stand it?” she
called out. “Wanna sit out on the patio?”
Kit nodded, and
a minute later they found two Adirondack chairs on the concrete, screened-in
patio that abutted the alleyway behind the club. Kit had heard, when the
building had housed an Italian restaurant, this area served as a smoking lounge
for the wait staff. Nobody lit up here now due to new laws, but the folks at
the Den tried their best to make the patio look pretty. Fake palms trees
wrapped with white twinkle lights adorned each corner, and standing space
heaters kept the area comfortable. Though no door separated them from the club
interior, Kit noticed that the distance did mute the music’s volume to a low,
steady boom.
“What were you
drinking? Refill’s on me,” Sidney offered, and flagged down a server making the
round to others lounging on the patio.
“You don’t have
to do that, I’m good.”
Sidney smirked
away Kit’s reluctance. “Please. I’m a working woman now. I can afford it,” she
said with a wink. Kit couldn’t argue with that.
“I usually get
the Key Lime Pie martini. It’s their signature drink.”
“Ooh, that sounds
good. Two, please,” Sidney told the waitress, and Kit watched the silent
exchange between them that followed. Well, she counted the seconds the waitress
lingered, shuffling backward with her eye on Sidney, before finally retreating
to the bar to place their orders. Petite blonde with Eighties fetish proved
tonight’s favorite flavor, and Sidney no doubt tempted many an appetite. Kit
placed a hand on her growling stomach.
Sidney crossed
her legs and turned in her seat, squeezing her arms close to her body as though
to preserve warmth. “How does a key lime drink become the specialty of the
house here? Rather unusual choice.”
“Not really. The person who owns the Den is from South Florida. She used to run a lesbian bar down there. I guess they’re a dime a dozen, so she came up here to find a captive audience. Before that she taught English at some college, so that’s where the Woolf came from.” Kit crooked her head toward a poster of Virginia Woolf’s profile on the brick wall. Several artistic renditions of the famed author decorated the establishment, in places where one didn’t find the semi-nudes.
“I would love to
have had a place like this in Wyoming to go to.”
“Yeah?” Images
of gorgeous women in tight blue jeans, bouncing in saddles as the horses they
straddled galloped in some wide prairie, filled Kit’s mind. One rarely ran into
country girls in town, and suddenly Kit pictured Sidney in a Stetson the color
of her geektastic shoes.
Sidney in a
cowgirl hat, stripped down to a Rubik-colored thong, straddled over her hips
and bucking with one hand in the air… yee-haw.
the Author:
Leigh Ellwood writes erotica and
romance, particularly M/M and F/F pairings. She is a two-time finalist for the
Gold Crown Literary Society Award and an EPIC Award finalist and winner.
When Leigh isn't writing, she
reads. She enjoys all genres, especially historical fiction.For more information on other books by Leigh, please visit her official website: www.LeighEllwood.com
2 eBooks from ARe Books imprints
(Out For You, Bad Boys, Perfect Strangers, Alpha), reader’s choice
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