we bring you the final 2 author donations!
We hope you've enjoyed learning a little about each of the generous authors who donated to help those who have fought against cancer as these Warrior Goddesses reclaim their lives. The struggle doesn't end with the last chemo treatment. Rebuilding a life put on hold is difficult (especially while drowning in medical bills). We honor their fight for life by supporting their forward movement in life.
The WarriorGoddesses Charity Auction
with 40 baskets and over 50 authors!!!
May 4-May 11.
Money to benefit cancer survivors through the Pink Door Nonprofit Organization.
eBay Seller name is warriorgoddesses
Check out donations on the Forum.
Thank you to the following authors for their donations!
Skye Michaels Sophie Jordan

Like many cancer patients, Anne suffers from body image issues. As a Warrior Goddess, her body has been a battlefield. Not very sexy for someone who works as a manager of sex club. Facing these issues is part of reclaiming your life. And Bad boy businessman Jamison Devereau is out to help her do just that.
Skye is donating 3 ARC ecopies of Anne's Courage to the auction.
Sophie Jordan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of Avon historical romances. She also writes paranormal romance. Sophie has now penned a contemporary romance, the Ivy Chronicle series, a sizzling New Adult romance series—where three Ivy League suite-mates test their boundaries as they seek higher knowledge of just how far they can go. [I just love books where women seek out and claim their Inner Goddess!]
Sophie is donating the first two books in the Ivy Chronicle series: signed paperbacks of Foreplay and Tease (ARC).
Thanks for the lovely words! - Skye