Sheri Savill Is A Crazy Woman Who Writes BDSM Erotica
Hi everyone.

Yeah, so, I was in publishing and media-related stuff
(editor, writer, reporter, graphics person; for newspapers, mags, radio; did
freelance writing too) for years. You
see what it did to me.
But all those years, I wrote non-fiction articles and …
humor, not fiction. And certainly not erotic kinky-as-hell fiction. Then I had
a vanilla website for a long time, where I wrote about daily bullshit, rants,
anything I felt like writing. And people seemed to like it. What I call my
Legion of Fan™ [sic] would periodically clamor for MOAR blog posts from me, to
my great surprise, so I would ignore them and treat them very badly. They liked
it. And now, ten years later the Legion of Fan™ is still pestering me for MOAR
blog posts and I can’t tell them I’m writing smut because, well, I’m sort of
embarrassed about it, even though my mom knows I’m writing smut and heartily
approves. In fact, her exact words were, “That’s great honey! Smut? That’s
great.” You wish you had my mom.
So now I write kinky BDSM erotica, and I do mean kinky. And
the reviews have been encouraging! My favorite review so far was the 3-star one
that said, “Just sex.” Honestly that is the best review ever for an erotica
e-book. I have this crackpot theory that bdsm-erotica is, somehow, about sex,
and that review just nailed it.
I have a doctorate in something that’s about as far away
from erotic fiction writing as you can get. I won’t tell you what subject
because I like to be super mysterious and elusive when I am not all over the
internet and social media and making new websites for myself and talking about
myself and blurting uber-personal shit about myself every five minutes.
When I write erotica,
I try to write what I think is “hot.” Actually I spell the word “hawt.” Because I was a professional editor, I can do
things like that. My erotica contains some real experiences, or at least parts
of them, that I’ve had as a real-life submissive. You’ll just have to read my
books to try to figure out which experiences are real and which are total
fantasy. Teaser! Evil! Thank you!
Let’s see, what else? My erotica tends to be edgier and
darker than what some may like and that’s fine. No judging. Just mock silently,
like I do. Really, I’m the first to admit that my books are not everyone’s
cuppa tea. But if you like some darker and heavier stuff, you might like my
debut release, Owning Julia. See how
smoothly I worked in a plug? (Heh heh heh I said “worked in a plug.”)
OK, just kidding about the gimp. There’s nothing at all like
that in the new book. But really, please don’t be afraid to explore a little of
the darker erotica stuff if you haven’t already, you sneaky thing you. I mean, if “50 Shades” is your gateway drug,
then sooner or later you will end up craving some of the harder stuff. Oh yes, you can quit anytime. I know.
Tap-tap-tapping on the inside of the crook of your elbow trying to find a vein.
Oh! As part of my efforts to cement my reputation as an
elusive, mysterious, inscrutable new erotica author, I just started a new group
blog with a couple of great erotica writers who will hire lawyers as soon as
they see their names mentioned here with mine, but I’m going to do it anyway.
Truly, they are both great writers and friends (well, they were, anyway) and
not nearly as butthead-y as I am. Their names are Trent Evans and Natasha
Knight. Check them out. Oh if only there
was a way to search for things on the internet, you could find these two and
read about them and buy their books!
So. The new group blog is called Romancing the Kink and, as I said it’s under construction (sorry,
there’s no little manhole cover graphic with a guy in a hardhat digging). But
we’ll be posting and excerpting and having discussions and stuff over there
soon, if we haven’t already. We have some cool ideas for making the site fun
and worth a little of your time. For one
thing, I like to write humor and I believe humor and BDSM-erotica go together
like oil and vinegar, like pastrami and mayo.
So expect to see some way off-base ham-handed humor attempts over there.
Here is the link to the new group blog:
Thanks for reading this far, unless you just skipped down
here to the end looking for a “TL:DR” tag, in which case, you’re totally my
kind of person. I hope you now have a
sense of what a total wingnut I am and that you will think of me and my books
next time you are looking for something that is pretty much “just sex.” If you want to read something with a good
plot, detailed character development, romance, a complex multi-layered
structure, and well-thought-out themes, I can’t do better than to recommend Gone With The Wind. Or something by my friends Trent and Natasha.
They write superbly well, and both have, I dunno, “plots” and stuff like that
in their books. Weird. I mean, to each his own, right?
Sheri Savill is an independent author of BDSM erotica. Her
books tend to be dark, edgier, and … sex-focused. Because, this is, after all erotica, not
"great literature."
Her first book, Owning
Julia, has not won any prizes or prestigious awards. Her mother knows what
she is doing and totally approves.
Full Author Bio:
Author’s website:
Group erotica-author blog with Trent Evans and Natasha Knight, Sheri Savill (coming soon!):
Owning Julia Amazon
for Submission Amazon, March-April 2013
LOVE you Sheri Savill!! Yes, I am hiring a lawyer just in case though… Great post - and you should know my attention span is good for Twitter length these days… Looking forward to some fun on Romancing the Kink.
ReplyDeleteSherri, that is great blog! I have downloaded your book and intend to start it at my next board meeting! I figure that goes right along with the idea of the think tank, right? And who doesn't need some 'just sex' on occasion...
ReplyDeleteAw youse guys are da bess! Thanks ya'll, for all the kinds woids! Your support of independent authors means A LOT. It does. Karma points. Major karma points. You'll see.