I first met Sherri at the Texas Book Festival in October 2012. A sixteen-year-old book festival, it was hosting an erotica symposium for the first time. Under a big white tent, the cover of SLAVE caught my eye. I enjoyed talking to Sherri very much and took my signed copy home to read. I absolutely loved it! I raved to all my friends. TinkNCognito also fell in love. Then book 2 came out, NEED, which was even better than the first one. I had an instant new book boyfriend in Stephan. And I can't wait for book 3 TRUTH to be released in July.
The premise:
Brianna has been kidnapped (possibly sold) into sexual slavery. Stephan, a rich philanthropist, rescues her. However she is unable to function the simplest of tasks without orders from her Master. Being a Dominant, Stephan steps into the role to provide her consistency and routine, a safe existence to relearn her own sense of self. As the series continues, Brianna finds herself as Stephan finds out how she came to be in such a horrid existence. While he keeps sex off his agenda to gain her trust, the series is full of intimate scenes and sexual tension.The author:

heroines start damaged, but find an inner strength to overcome and stand on their own feet. Her heroes are strong alpha males driven to protect others, especially their women. Learn more about Sherri from the interview to be posted in the Spotlight in July.
Book Club:

July 1-13: Book 1, Slave
July 14-23: Book 2, Need
July 24-31: Book 3, Truth
Note: Truth releases on July 25, but we will have a fun day of predictions first. We will also have a contest to win Truth.
Where to buy:
Sherri Hayes' books are found in all major formats.The books are available at The Writer's Coffee Shop, Amazon, and Barnes and Noble
Sherri Hayes' Blog
Slave Book Trailer
Red Zone Book Trailer
I have been waiting somewhat impatiently for Truth as Need left us with a cliff hanger, beside the fact that it is such an amazing series! I have started Truth (an ARC from the author for which I am extremely grateful) and you won't be able to put this book down. I haven't...